District 28 Events & Activities Calendar is ready!
American Legion Membership Reports
District Commander
Lois Flint - Post 593
National Commander James Lacooursiere
pays visit northern Californian California
District 28 2024-25 Meeting Calendar!
(Click Here)
Next meeting: Sunday, 16 March 2025
Post 31 Salinas
Salinas, CA
Post OPEN at 0830 hrs.
Meetings start at 0900 hrs.
(First round nomination of 2025-26 District Officers)
California Delegates Arrive at the
105th Annual American Legion
National Convention
New Orleans, LA
The Ladies of Jackie Robinson Post 252 show
them how it is done at National Convention!
them how it is done at National Convention!
Swingin' In New Orleans!
28th District Supports
Paul C. Rodriguez
for Dep't Commander
Pictured L to R: Yaretzia Felix - Post 593, Lois Flint - Commander District 28, James Hinkle - Post 31, Brian LaPore - Boys & Girls State Commissioner, Mariah Gutierrez and Fabian Amador.
Salinas American Legion Post 31
hosted the Boys & Girls State luncheon.
Department Commander John Aldridge
drops by Area 2 meeting at Post 635 in Greenfield.
L to R: Area 2 Commander Paul C Rodriguez, Department Commander John Aldridge, District 26 Commander Patty Coons, District 28 Commander Lois Flint, Area 2 Adjutant Michael Bloom, and Area 2 Chaplain Mary Estrada.
Commander Lois Flint attends
services for Jose Leza at the
California Central Coast Veterans Cemetery
Commander Flint with Joseph Heston, former General Manager of KSBW,
now a member of Bugles Across America, an organization some 4000 strong,
who assist with services for our veterans who have answered the final call.
now a member of Bugles Across America, an organization some 4000 strong,
who assist with services for our veterans who have answered the final call.
"Our Commander On Duty!"
Post 121 Watsonville celebrates huge success of Veterans Service Day!
Commander Lois Flint attends
Watsonville's Post 121 Veterans Service Day! |
Watsonville's Post 121
Adjutant Barbara Adamski with Cdr. Flint during Veterans Sevice Day. |

District 28 Commander Flint attends Bay Area Lions Club luncheon on Armed Forces Day. Also pictured is keynote speaker Brigadier General McLaughlin.
Commander Flint attended
Hartnell's Drug Addiction Awareness
event in Salinas
Commander Lois Flint stops by Ronald McDonald House in Bakersfield during recent D.E.C. and drops off veterans collected pull tops which help to raise monies to assist the families of children receiving care at this hospital.
American Legion Riders Chapter 28
hosts the Area 2
Veterans Suicide Awareness Run
at Post 593 Prunedale
District 28 Commander Lois Flint
accepts American flag in remembrance of all our fallen veterans
who were victims of suicide in the past year.
accepts American flag in remembrance of all our fallen veterans
who were victims of suicide in the past year.
Resolutions passed during the 2022 Department of California Convention require Posts and Districts to update or rewrite their By-Laws every 7 years or less and submit them to the Constitution and By-Laws Commission for review. (Click HERE to review your Post's By-Laws that are currently on file with the Department of California)
If your Post needs to update or amend their By-Laws go to
By-Laws & Resolutions
on the Dep't of California website
for assistance and templates of By-Laws.
You may also contact your District Adjutant for assistance at:
831-236-2521 or [email protected]
By-Laws & Resolutions
on the Dep't of California website
for assistance and templates of By-Laws.
You may also contact your District Adjutant for assistance at:
831-236-2521 or [email protected]
If you are looking something you once saw on this site and can't find it now go to the 'ARCHIVES' and look there. Most out of date and/or not timely items will be moved there.
Posts Status Reports (Click Here)
Everyone needs to laugh every now and then!
Click HERE for a bit of inter-services humor!
Click HERE for a bit of inter-services humor!